Category Archives: April 2013, Issue #4
Ask the Crew
Q: Which symbol do you use to trade the Emini’s? $SPX or SPY? Why do you pick the one you do? A: ESU12 is emini. SPX and SPY are just the S&P. They all move together. Q: I’m still a little confused on what it is you’re trading on the Emini’s and what to trade […]
Understanding Implied Volatility
For this month’s article in the coaching corner, I’d like to address a basic understanding of implied volatility. Implied Volatility, often referred to as IV, is an integral part of options trading – it’s at the heart and soul of many traders’ trading repertoire. Implied volatility ranks as one of the most important price determinants […]
Then and Now…
Good friend of mine recently turned me on to a blog run by an author/blogger/music company vet who prolifically cranks out some good stuff near daily. He weaves a good story laced with perspective, insight, history, opinion, humor, anecdotes, etc. One of my favs from amongst his offerings is his “Then and Now” postings, in […]
Is Apple really a broken stock? Hardly
Our friend and colleague at optionMONSTER, Chris McKhann, just recently asked the rhetorical question, “Is now the right time to buy calls” in an article on in which he highlighted the merits of Apple (AAPL). Readers of my DRJ’s Blog know I have discussed the strength of the business model metrics at Apple in […]
Why Cyprus is a Real Wakeup Call
If you are at all in touch with the macroeconomic picture, you have undoubtedly heard about the insane things happening in Cyprus. For such a small part of the world it sure has made a big splash. It is the Euro’s desperate attempt to send a message without letting chaos spread like wildfire. The goal […]
TEI’s Louis Horkan Interviews Preston “Pirate” James
In this month’s Traders Talk, the Pirate once again invites us into his lair to talk shop and pass on some wisdom. Unlike the first interview, where Preston shared insight and hard-learned lessons (who can forget the indelible visual from Wrong in the Thong…yikes) gained during his many years in the market – as student, […]