Monthly Archives: January 2013
Do These Jeans Make My…
A week ago we said it was test time as the broad indices had been basing for a challenge of their 2012 highs. Well, tis fair to say the bulls passed and have been on a bit of a binge since, making short work of that challenge and moving quickly to five-year highs. They are […]
Ask the Crew:
Crew members tackle questions submitted by readers each month
Q: Karson recently posted (that) he was happy to hear about several folks who made a profit on the AAPL trade by “legging out.” What does this mean and how do you do it? A: Legging out means they closed on part of the position at a time. So when AAPL got to a low, […]
Coaches Corner:
Finding the Edge
As I was struggling to think of what to write about for this month’s edition of Coaches Corner, I finally decided, “Hey, why not just talk about our current market situation?” First of all, I never want to trade just to trade. I always need to make sure that I have an edge. Trading without […]
Musings from the Editor:
No More Dog Being Shakin by the Tail…
Well, the fiscal cliff came…and went…and in typical Washingtonian fashion, remains still ahead of us for the most part. Yup – true to form and as was largely expected, the leaders in DC kicked the can down the road a bit. Not far, mind you – just a couple months. As unbelievable as it would […]
TEI Insight:
Still Waiting…
Happy New Years folks. It’s now 2013 and we’ve somehow survived the Mayan calendar calamity, fiscal cliff, European debt debacle and myriad other issues. And the net effect is that we find the broad markets sitting a little higher than a month ago…but certainly not far from the previous mark and nothing to be breaking […]
Monster’s Perspective:
The days after the “Fiscal Cliff” deal
Happy New Year to all and Happy New Year indeed. While I’m happy that a Fiscal Cliff deal got done, this deal without any address to government spending is indeed a very small deal. And while we still have the debt ceiling ahead of us, we can’t deny the bulls their day. This is why […]
Traders Talk:
TEI’s Louis Horkan Interviews Karson Keith
In this monthís Traders Talk weíre chatting once again with Karson Keith, a trader you all know and a mentor to many of you. In the first part of the interview, Karson shared quite a bit about his trading background, as well as insight regarding his straightforward philosophy on how to make money in the […]